The ReTweetolution

There is a huge debate right now in the digital world about Twitter’s new Timeline-esque interface. Some love it and some hate it.

I’m going to talk about why they NEEDED it.

Twitter is a bastion for information distribution. It is dependent upon users getting the content they want to receive quickly.

What happens when that info comes too quickly? What happens when content appears so fast you barely have time to process it?

That is what is happening within the twitosphere right now. There is way too much happening to keep track of it all.

That is why it was a great move on Twitter’s part to implement a change in how they operate their platform. Creating a more streamlined and user-friendly look helps keep users on track and getting the information they need.

Why be different for the sake of being different? Adopting a look similar to a competitor may seem counter-intuitive, but only when it decreases market share.

Users go to Twitter for info and Facebook for friends. They are two distinctively different platforms with different purposes. Twitter does not have to worry about losing users to Facebook. Now, they have provided one look that a user can understand immediately and navigate through easily.

Great move Twitter. Keep up the great work.

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